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Guarding Dashboard
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to the guide on the Guarding Dashboard in BeamUp. This guide will walk you through accessing and viewing your guarding data using tooltips and drop-down menus.

01 Top Bar Information

The Top Bar allows you to see key data. Use the Tool Tip Icon next to titles to see more information.

02 Insights

Click on a Guarding Insight to expand the Insights and read more information.

03 Normalised Data

In the Guarding Cost by Location table, you can see that data is normalized. Normalizing data might be done using different measures, in this instance, it is done by area, which allows you to compare different facility types in a consistent way.

04 Map Function

Use your mouse to zoom in and navigate around the map. Select or hover over specific facilities to expose the Tool Tip and see more information.

05 Horizontal Bar Charts

Clicking on, or hovering over bar charts also generates a tooltip. Bar charts provide an assessment of data compared to an average, represented by the vertical line. Bars below or touching the vertical line are shown in blue, while bars crossing the line and exceeding the average are shown in red, for ease of visual reference.

06 Guarding Cost Over Time

In the Guarding Costs Over Time table, select or hover over any vertical bar to expose the tooltip.

07 Guarding Status

The Guarding Status table shows data normalized by area.

08 Facility Drill Down

Select the arrow next to any facility name to drill down into more detailed information.

09 Guarding Use Cases

See to which positions guards are most often deployed to and how many hours are being spent on each Use Case such as Patrolling or Reception Duties.

10 Guarding Hours Vs Cameras

Guarding Hours versus Cameras is normalized by area so you can see how many guarding hours and how many cameras are deployed on average in a specifically defined area. Allowing you to directly compare sites of different sizes, functions, and businesses.

11 Understanding Guarding Hours Vs Cameras

This table is split into 4 quadrants to make it clear where you have a high or low guarding hour and a high or low number of cameras. Hover over any point to get a tooltip showing you a breakdown of data for a particular site.

This guide covered navigating the Guarding Dashboard, accessing your data, drilling down into tables, and viewing additional data using tooltips.


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