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How to create a new request for a facility's design change
How to create a new request for a facility's design change

Using our new support interface

Updated over a week ago

Welcome to the guide on our new design change request interface. This guide will walk you through the process of creating a new design change ticket.

01 Finding the "Help" button

The "Help" button will always be available at the bottom-left corner of your screen.


02 Create a new ticket

Once clicked, select "Design Change" from the create ticket menu at the Home tab.


03 Fill out a ticket: Email address and name

Fill in your name. Your email address will be automatically inserted.


04 Fill out a ticket: Facility / Site

Fill in the relevant facility's name for which you wish to make a design change.


05 Fill out a ticket: Request description

Describe the specific changes you wish to make to the design. Please provide all necessary details including level, room and device reference.


06 Fill out a ticket: Adding an element's URL

If you wish to modify an existing element, we encourage you to provide it's URL.This will allow us to view this specific element immediately.


07 Finding an element's URL

When clicking on an element, it's unique URL will be visible in your URL bar at the top of your browser. Just copy and paste it to the ticket form.


08 Fill out a ticket: Element's URL example

This is how it should look like.


09 Fill out a ticket: Adding files or screenshots

Before submitting your ticket, don't forget to attach any relevant files or screenshots by selecting "Add files".


10 Submit a ticket

Submit your ticket by clicking on "Create ticket".


11 Return to the home page

Once created, you will see an overview of your ticket. then, you can go back to the "Help Center" home tab by clicking the "Back" arrow at the top-left corner.


12 View all submitted tickets

From the home tab you can view your tickets' status in the "Tickets" tab.


13 View a specific ticket

Click on the ticket you want to review.


14 Start a conversation regarding a ticket

You can initiate a conversation with our team regarding a specific ticket by clicking on "Send us a message".


15 Tickets chat

You will also be notified by any status change or messages in the ticket's chat.


This guide covered creating a new design change ticket in BeamUp, including adding details, attaching files, and engaging with the support team through messages.

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